Marco Caoduro

Postdoctoral Fellow in Combinatorial Optimization

Office 484C
UBC Sauder School of Business
University of British Columbia
Henry Angus Building
2053 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

Email: marco.caoduro(at)


  • 2024/05 – Supervision at PIMS Virtual Experimental Mathematics Lab (VXML) (link)

Between December 2024 and May 2025, I co-supervised, alongside Will Evans, a research project titled “Exploring Boxicity: Graph Representations in Multidimensional Spaces.” Our team consisted of three undergraduate students and one PhD student. The students’ poster is available here.

  • 2023/09 – New publication in JOCG! (link)

The paper “On the independence number of intersection graphs of axis-parallel segments” appeared in the Journal or Computational Geometry, Volume 14. It is the outcome of the work done with Jana, Michał, and Karol during the Discrete Optimization Trimester Program at the Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics in October 2021.

The paper “Boxicity and Interval-Orders: Petersen and the Complements of Line Graphs”, cowritten with András Sebő will appear in the proceedings of the conference and will be presented by András on September 21st.

  • 2023/07 – A new publication! (link)

The journal version of the paper “A lower bound for constant-size local certification” appeared in Theoretical Computer Science. This is the result of a joint work with Virginia Ardévol Martínez, Laurent Feuilloley, Jonathan Narboni, Pegah Pournajafi, and Jean-Florent Raymond.

On June 6, I will give a talk at CANADAM 2023 on the Boxicity of the Kneser graphs.

  • 2023/04 – A new paper has been published! (link)

My paper “On the boxicity of Kneser graphs and complements of line graphs”, cowritten with Lyuben Lichev, has been published in Discrete Mathematics.